“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

People should not be props for politicians


This picture offends me, not because I object to what Obama is saying - and I do - but because I am sick and tired of politicians using "ordinary people" as props for their speeches.  They are forced to stand for hours, looking awkward or bored, and cannot move.  Who knows why they are there or whether or not they support what is being said?

I might note that I served as such a prop for President Bush right after 9/11/01 when he spoke in Atlanta.   They gathered a lot of us firefighters, police officers, and military to serve as the background for his speech.  At the time, I didn't mind it, and still can see the point in such a solemn occasion.  But now, it's become standard that just about every speech by a president will include human props in the background - people who may or may not agree with what is being said but are made to appear to endorse it.

It's especially disgusting when uniformed people are forced to appear to endorse political speech.  Obama's "Jobs Bill" speech included uniformed police and fire officers as props.  Did the taxpayers who support these departments get any say in this?  Of course not.  I might add that military members in uniform are specifically forbidden to engage in political activity - unless of course they are ordered to so engage on occasions such as presidential speeches.  The president should speak to the troops - not away from them as they stare at his back.

It's time to end this practice of treating citizens of this nation as political props.  Only true supporters of whatever politician is speaking should "stand behind" him or her on such occasions.


Ed said...

Where did the rest of the blog go?

Bill said...

I don't know Ed. I don't think I did anything differently. The Older Posts are still there. Sorry if I broke it. :-(

Ed said...

No, I checked. You didn't do anything. I've never seen this happen before. Hmmmm. I've been thinking of changing hosts and renaming the blog. Perhaps now would be a good time. There's another TRR hosted by some dude in the formerly great Britain. I should rename this.